Kill The President

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In December of 2003, CNN reported that the Secret Service was investigating an Eminem song to determine if any action needed to be taken regarding a lyric that may have been a threat to President Bush. In a bootleg song, the rapper says: "Fuck money, I don't rap for dead presidents. I'd rather see the president dead."

Now, obviously this sort of thing is not going to turn into a serious investigation (can you imagine the citizen outlash if they tried prosecuting such a popular artist for lyrics?). They're just doing their job, however silly it might be at times.

But what if the lyrics had been spoken by an Arab Muslim immigrant artist who is not hugely popular? Is it possible the government would actually consider prosecution? Maybe the lyrics would have to be more explicit. Say, the song might mention Bush by name. It might say the world would be better off if he was shot. It might even give a fictional account of the president's assassination. Yet all the while the artist may not wish any actual harm on Bush, and certainly the lyrics alone would not possibly suggest a real plan to kill Bush or cause his death; such a song is more likely nothing but a form of political speech, an artistic way to express outrage at the president's policies.

The problem is, a government that gets to decide what political speech is or is not appropriate, whether a piece of political art is or is not appropriate, seems to be in direct violation of the First Amendment. Sure, we may make exceptions for crying fire in a crowded theater, but is wishing the president dead (in a song, no less) really the same sort of thing? Not by a long shot, unless someone could make a really good case that the artist was trying to get other people to actually physically kill the president. However, in the right circumstances - say after another big terrorist attack inside the U.S. - it isn't that hard to imagine someone (especially of the right background) being arrested for song lyrics alone.

Yes, the secret service is just doing their job, but sometimes events like the plane hijackings in 2001 can cause otherwise reasonable people to do their jobs unreasonably; and we have certainly seen the government curtail cherished freedoms and civil liberties in the name of false security. Maybe it could happen.

Let's face it: Bush (and most presidents before him) have, through their actions, led to countless innocent deaths, certainly more than died in New York in September, 2001. The world probably would be better off if Bush died. Though I don't think I could ever be happy at someone's death, I would probably breathe a sigh of relief if the president died. These are simple and true facts - and probably the case for a growing number of Americans these days - but that does not mean they imply a desire to see the president killed, nor intentions to kill him or incite an assassination. It just means I hold strongly critical views of the current president, and expresses the opinion that the world probably would indeed be a better place without George W. Bush. Should I be arrested because I express these views? Or, as is more likely today, should I be spied upon?

SFGate has reported that the FBI has been spying on antiwar protesters, comparing peace activists to terrorists in order to rationalize this attack on free speech. Meanwhile, Free Republic has reported that those speaking out against the president's decision to go to war are being put on 'special scrutiny' lists around the nation's airports, to be continually singled out for extreme safety checks simply because they have protested for peace. Will the secret service be stopping by to talk to me after I post this commentary? Probably not. But then again, nothing would surprise me these days. Now excuse me while I go crank up Offspring's "Kill The President".

In a world without leaders
Who'd start all the wars?
The world that you're saving
Will always be yours

Kill the President
Listen to the voice of reason
Unify with that single line
Stop the man with the power
Of the government
A leader's not the center
Of democracy

In a world without leaders
Who'd make people starve?
The world that we're saving
Will always be ours

Everyone says
Well maybe I'll make a difference
Thinking they've got plenty of time
But you're squeezed
A little tighter everyday
Punished before you can commit a crime

In a world without leaders
Who'd start all the wars?
The world that you're saving
Will always be yours

Kill the President
Listen to the voice of reason
Unify with that single line
Stop the man with the power
Of the goverment
A leader's not the center
Of democracy

All of your enemies
Come from within
But you lash out so
It is seen
Like some frightened child In an angry world
Or the fall of Rome
Your demise comes
From your own hands

In a world without leaders
Who'd start all the wars?
The world that you're saving
Will always be yours

In a world without leaders
We might have a chance
But we'll never see it
As long as there's...

Originally Written: 12-07-03
Last Updated: 01-23-04