Transfer Azure Subscription To Enterprise Agreement

As an Enterprise Agreement customer, you can view your billing details through the following four levels: Accord > service > account > subscription. On the Enterprise portal, you can transfer subscriptions between different accounts and change the subscription account. For example, if you transfer all subscriptions from Account A to Account B, the fee for all subscriptions will be displayed in Account B after the transfer ends. To transfer all subscriptions within an account, select Edit Account Owners. To transfer one or more subscriptions, select Subscription Report. This transfer only affects billing relationships it has no impact on your availability. In addition, the service administrator for subscriptions is not changed. If you need to change the service administrator at the same time, read the procedure represented in Step 6. If you are an administrator of two accounts, you can transfer a subscription between your accounts. Your accounts are conceptually considered accounts of two different users, allowing you to transfer subscriptions between your accounts. For more information on the steps you need to take to transfer your subscription, see the billing status of an Azure subscription. Full List here: After activating the new Azure Marketplace subscriptions under your Azure EA registration, you are terminating Azure Marketplace services created in the Pay-As-You Go environment. This is important to ensure that your Azure Marketplace subscriptions are not in bad shape when your pay-As-You Go payment instrument expires. The name of the subscription is displayed in the reports. This is the name of the project associated with the subscription to the development portal. Select subscriptions, then select the subscription you created. Situation: We have a subscription under our Enterprise Agreement that we must, as is the case, transfer to our customer who supports the hosting but does not have its own EA. UPDATE: Everything works, the steps here detailed As a customer with a custom subscription with usage-based rates, you can switch your Azure subscription to another offer in the account center.

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