Uottawa Housing Agreement

Only students whose stay contract starts in January can cancel their winter 2021 booking. You must do so before November 30, 2020 to get a 100% refund. Your contract will not be renewed if two irregularities have been found during your stay. “Irregularities” are returned cheques, late payments and/or unpaid debts. If you do not meet the guaranteed accommodation criteria (mentioned above), you can continue to apply for a room on the apartment portal via uoZone. The residence contract and the code of conduct and disciplinary procedure, as well as all the current additional bodies, describe the guidelines that students comply with when adopting their residence contract. The policy aims to create a safe and attractive living atmosphere in which students can prosper academically, socially and personally. Note that the priority goes to those who want an 8 or 12 month agreement. The accommodation guarantee does not apply to stays of only 4 months. Students who have received an offer of fall accommodation for Rideau, Friel, Leblanc, Thompson, Marchand or Stanton will receive a new offer for one of the buildings opened through the apartment gate until the end of July. If you have been accepted and are willing to request accommodation at the same time, we advise you to go through the process at the same time on separate computers and first try to book your room together.

Have you entered into a roommate contract? Roommate agreements are forms designed to guide you and your roommates through a number of topics that will likely arise if you live together, and that can cause problems or tensions if you are not on the same page. If you take the time to meet early and discuss things, you will not only avoid future problems before they begin, but you will also help break the ice and the tone for simpler and more productive communication and resolution in the future. You must inform us by email at residence@uottawa.ca at least 3 business days before the date and time when you want your belongings back. Connecting is one of the best parts of the home, but we need to make sure we stay safe.

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